
Baby yoga (mobile babies)

Baby yoga is an engaging and unique class, full of song, movement and fun ideas which you can use at home with your little one.

Inspired by the movements and poses of yoga, each class begins with a series of gentle stretches for both adults and babies, to warm up the bodies in preparation for class. We enjoy an action song together, and the babies practice their “stretch and grow” yoga routine. We learn a baby sign language song, then move on to our standing poses, which involves the babies and the adults stretching and moving together. Our seated poses are often more active - we sometimes see babies pretending to fly through the air in their “superbaby” poses, or rolling down a hill in “rollercoaster”. We finish each class with some themed sensory play: the babies explore textures, scents, sounds or tastes related to the theme of the class.

Past themes have included “in the jungle”, “creepy crawlies”, “night time” and “space”. There are also regular special classes for holidays and occasions such as Chinese New Year or Halloween.